At Clinton Substance Awareness & Prevention Coalition, we're dedicated to protecting our youth from the risks of nicotine through focused prevention efforts. We know that early exposure to nicotine can lead to long-term addiction, impact brain development, and increase susceptibility to other harmful substances. By offering educational programs in schools, community workshops, and outreach events, we equip young people and their families with the knowledge to understand the dangers of nicotine use. Our coalition also promotes resources to help prevent the use of e-cigarettes and other nicotine products, empowering youth to make choices that support their health and secure a brighter, nicotine-free future.
Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth (MiPHY)
At Clinton Substance Awareness & Prevention Coalition, we utilize the Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth (MiPHY) data as a crucial tool in shaping our nicotine prevention and education initiatives. MiPHY data provides valuable insights into student behaviors, perceptions, and risk factors related to both nicotine, vaping, and tobacco use by teens in our local Clinton County schools. By analyzing these findings, we can identify specific areas where intervention is needed, allowing us to tailor programs that directly address the needs of our community. This data-driven approach helps us focus our efforts on effective, evidence-based strategies, from targeted school programs to community-wide awareness campaigns. Using MiPHY data empowers us to make informed decisions, ensuring that our prevention efforts truly make an impact in educating on the harmful effects that nicotine poses on our youth in Clinton County.

Nicotine and Vaping EPIDEMIC
We are under a new nicotine public health crisis in the form of vaping and e-cigarette use – particularly among youth and adolescents. If smoking continues at today's current rates, 5.6 million—or 1 out of every 13—of today’s children will ultimately die prematurely from a smoking-related illness.
At the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, they showcase the toll of tobacco in Michigan. Unfortunately, smoking kills more people than alcohol, AIDS, car crashes, illegal drugs, murders, and suicides combined — and thousands more die from other tobacco-related causes — such as fires caused by smoking (more than 1,000 deaths/year nationwide) and smokeless tobacco use.
In addition, published research studies have found that kids are twice as sensitive to tobacco advertising as adults and are more likely to be influenced to smoke by cigarette marketing than by peer pressure. One-third of underage experimentation with smoking is attributable to tobacco company advertising. At CSAPC, our goal is to offer prevention, intervention, and education on the dangers of nicotine use (in all forms) to help youth and adults lead healthy lives.

My Life My Quit, Free Resource to Quit Smoking or Vaping
In our commitment to nicotine prevention, we proudly partner to promote MyLife My Quit, a program designed to help youth quit using nicotine products, including e-cigarettes and vapes. My Life, My Quit™ is and teens are encouraged to text "Start My Quit" to 36072 or visit their website to start a chat.
This free, confidential service offers tailored support through text, chat, and phone counseling, making it easy for teens in Clinton County to access the help they need to quit.
By collaborating with MyLife My Quit, we’re proudly providing a valuable resource that empowers young people to make positive, healthy choices and take control of their futures, free from nicotine addiction.
billboard contest
Each year, we host a youth led billboard contest. This year's 2024 theme is "Substance Use Awareness & Prevention". Teens are encouraged to create a billboard that reflects a positive message or showcases a focus on mental health awareness and advocacy. The final artwork will help spread a drug free, positive message throughout Clinton County. Both the winning billboard and the 1st and 2nd place runner-ups will have their billboard featured throughout Clinton County!
The contest is open to Clinton County youth ages 10-18 years old! The winner will receive a $60 Amazon gift card and their artwork featured on our Clinton County Summer billboard for all of our community to see! Second and third place runner ups will each receive name recognition, their billboard also featured, and a $30 Amazon gift card!
Want to Join Our Nicotine Sub-Committee?
At Clinton Substance Awareness & Prevention Coalition, we need your help in promoting a nicotine-free lifestyle for both teens and adults! Contact us directly at 989-227-3140 or email Sara Thelen at