At Clinton Substance Awareness & Prevention Coalition, we're committed to reducing opioid and medicine misuse to protect the health and safety of our community. We address this issue through educational initiatives that inform residents about the risks associated with prescription misuse and opioids, emphasizing the dangers of dependency and overdose. We also promote safe medication storage and disposal practices to prevent accidental access, particularly among youth. By collaborating with healthcare providers, schools, and local organizations, we’re building a strong network of support and resources that empower individuals to make informed choices and safeguard Clinton County from the effects of medication misuse.
Safe Medicine Disposal
Safe medicine disposal is a vital first step in preventing opioid and medication misuse within Clinton County. By partnering with local organizations to support Medicine Take Back Days, we provide a secure way for residents to dispose of unused or expired prescriptions, removing these potentially harmful substances from households where they could be misused. Our education and take-back events raise awareness about the importance of safe disposal practices and reduce the risk of opioids and other medications falling into the wrong hands. Together, through responsible disposal and community collaboration, we are building a safer, healthier environment for all residents in Clinton County.

At Clinton County Substance Awareness & Prevention Coalition, we're committed to saving lives by offering education, prevention, and information on how to reverse opioid overdoses using Narcan. Through workshops, community events, and informative materials, we provide individuals with the knowledge and confidence to recognize overdose symptoms and administer Narcan effectively.
In partnership with the Mid-Michigan District Health Department (MMDHD), we are proud to offer free access to Narcan, making this life-saving medication available to those who may need it most at multiple distribution sites throughout Clinton County. By empowering our community with these critical resources, we are taking proactive steps to reduce opioid-related fatalities and build a network of support for those affected by opioid misuse.
988: A Lifeline for Opioid Overdose Support and Recovery
In partnership with the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, our Clinton County Substance Awareness & Prevention Coalition is dedicated to providing immediate, life-saving education and prevention tools for those affected by opioid overdose. By advocating the 988 Lifeline, individuals of all ages get free, confidential support in crisis with trained counselors who can provide guidance, resources, and follow-up support for recovery.
By promoting 988 as a critical resource, we’re helping to ensure that individuals experiencing opioid-related emergencies and their families have access to compassionate care and essential recovery pathways. Together, we’re fostering a community that prioritizes health, safety, and hope for all.
billboard contest
Each year, we host a youth led billboard contest. This year's 2024 theme is "Substance Use Awareness & Prevention". Teens are encouraged to create a billboard that reflects a positive message or showcases a focus on mental health awareness and advocacy. The final artwork will help spread a drug free, positive message throughout Clinton County. Both the winning billboard and the 1st and 2nd place runner-ups will have their billboard featured throughout Clinton County!
The contest is open to Clinton County youth ages 10-18 years old! The winner will receive a $60 Amazon gift card and their artwork featured on our Clinton County Summer billboard for all of our community to see! Second and third place runner ups will each receive name recognition, their billboard also featured, and a $30 Amazon gift card!
Want to Join Our Opioid & Medicine Misuse Sub-Committee?
At Clinton Substance Awareness & Prevention Coalition, we need your help in promoting recovery and medicine misuse information for both teens and adults! Contact us directly at 989-227-3140 or email Sara Thelen at sthelen@mmdhd.org.